Cycling With Portugal Bike Jerseys Around the World

Portugal Bike jerseys Florida

Cycling With Portugal Bike Jerseys Around the World

Cycling with Portugal Bike Tours jerseys all around the World

By José Neves

We like PEOPLE. …We like to be with PEOPLE! That’s why we run this kind of business: bicycle tours in Portugal!

Cristina and I are not very expansive people. But what is amazing is that most of our clients still remember us, and we remember them, because we have pictures of them, they have our jerseys, and we all have good memories to remember and to relive. …And it is so nice when they wear their shirts in their home countries and decide to take a picture and share that picture with us!!

People are Wonderful. Sometimes we are surprised, …very well surprised! They proudly show their Portugal Bike Tours’ jerseys!

But the best part – and this is what really impresses me – it is not the fact that people wear Portugal Bike shirts, but the fact that they share it with us shows us that they enjoyed their cycling experience in Portugal, and they still have good memories of Portugal Bike Team. This is what really matters to us, because they enjoy and they want to share and to show how happy and proud they are wearing their Portuguese shirt in their countries.

All our clients have a special place in our hearts! Once again we thank you all for your Love!

Portugal Bike jerseys in Pennsylvania

“Proudly showing off our Portugal bike jerseys!”, Sylvie and Pierre, USA

Portugal Bike Tours jersey at Crater Lake

Todd Burger at Crater Lake – Oregon, the deepest lake in United States of America

Portugal Bike Tours Jersey

“Picture of Lisa in her jersey when we did the Columbia River Gorge Ride in early June, generated a few questions on the Portugal rides.”, Greg Stecker. USA

Portugal Bike Jersey in The Sydney Morning Herald

“Hi Jose and Cristina. Just sending you article in the main Sydney paper, see your jerseys?!?! We all wore them for our latest ride and we all finished. A miracle!
in The Sydney Morning Herald: A Tour de France spin-off event will attract 3500 riders to the Snowy Mountains this weekend”, Fiona Emsley, Australia

Portugal Bike jerseys on the Sydney Herald

in The Sydney Morning Herald

Portugal Bike Tours Jerseys in South West Victoria Australia

“South West Victoria, along the Great Ocean Road”, Lindsay Donahoo, Australia

Portugal Bike jerseys Florida

“Biking in Clearwater, Florida – USA”, Kevin and Diane Batemans, Canada

Portugal Bike Jersey in Muckleford Australia

“Muckleford was a small village in central Victoria, approx 2 hrs drive north of Melbourne. The railway is now only a tourist train and not part of normal services as the population moved to bigger towns in the area”, Vincent Power, Australia

Lennard in the Australian Alpes with the Portugal Bike Jersey

“Australian Alps – 3300 riders in the L’Étape this year, growing after 3 years!”, Sarah Lennard, Australia

Loving our bike jerseys, cycling Hawaii

“Loving our bike jerseys. Cycling Hawaii”, Devora and Samuel McAuley, Calgary, Alberta – Canada

Portugal Bike Tours Jerseys in Florida

“Proudly wearing my Portugal Bike Tour shirt in Florida”, Bill Albert, USA

portugal bike tours jerseys

“Biking in Austria – Enns”, Kevin Batemans, Canada
